Our 2017 GMC Sierra 1500 Denali Crew Cab offers great hauling and towing capability. for a controlled ride that is the ultimate in comfort while bringing in near 20mpg on the highway. Our hardworking Sierra 1500 has a massive grille. distinct cornerstep rear bumpers.... via V12 Software
The advertised price excludes all other offers and discounts and does not include applicable taxes/fees, including sales, title/license plate/registration/DMV fees, repair/rehabilitation/reconditioning costs and fees incurred by the dealer, dealer document/service fees,... via LIUsedCars
ATTENTION GENERAL PUBLIC: PLEASE READOur INTERNET PRICE indicates the price WE PAID for this car. We do have a $990 non-negotiable lot fee as it adds to our cost. Come see our inventory make us a reasonable offer above our cost and take one of our beautiful cars home with... via V12 Software